Wednesday, August 13, 2014

the halfway point!

{this girl is growing by the minute! and mama still doesn't make the bed}
Screw the format…I’m going rogue people! Now that I’ve reached the halfway point (!!), I thought I would share some of my takeaways of pregnancy so far.

1. I realized at 20 weeks that I will never, ever sleep through the night again. After several weeks of waking up every three hours times to pee or eat, and again every time my husband makes a weird noise, I realized I’m being conditioned for what lies ahead.  I say, “so long” to the days I wake up feeling rested and “hello” to the burning sensation of toothpicks propping my eyelids open.

2. It’s World Breastfeeding Month and breastfeeding has been loud and proud in the mom world, and beyond (see Olivia Wilde’s photo in Glamour here).  I was raised with an understanding that “breast is best” and plan to give baby girl her meals, snacks, and snuggles straight from the tap as long as she wants it. However, I have a confession. Lactating is not something I associate with being beautiful. Breathtaking, maybe, if you are talking about the immense pain in the beginning stages. I just don’t envision myself turning into a fountain of life/Earth goddess/granola mama. I appreciate the nutritional value of breast milk as well as the convenience and practicality of having a full tap house on my chest. Conversely, I appreciate the idea of pumping into a bottle so my husband can tend to our sweet girl as well. Is it weird that I really just want my baby to be fed, and don’t want to take to a soapbox to preach about it? 

3. I feel bigger at any given time than I did in the previous hour. The rate at which my belly (and backside) is growing is astounding…and I have 18-20 weeks to go! An awesome perk: the bigger we get, the stronger she kicks!

4. My husband is a rockstar. I’ve thought about the huge adjustment he will have to make when baby gets here because he’s not getting the crash course that I am. He’s sleeping comfortably, he’s free to eat and drink what he wants, he doesn’t have the constant flutter to remind him of the little addition joining us soon. However, he’s gained so much more than what he’s missing. He’s acquired patience as I morph from happy to snappy in a blink, or change my mind about dinner after it’s been prepared. He’s grown more nurturing as he sympathizes with all my aches and dries my tears. He's become more sensitive as he dreams about what it’s going to be like to get his nails painted, play dress up and have tea parties. He’s learned to support and love completely with no expectations, which actually makes him more prepared than I am for this life-changing little human. He is very special and I’m grateful he’s my partner in all of this. 

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