Tuesday, May 27, 2014

10 weeks

{sidenote: I'm clearly not an avid bedmaker…}

How far along? 10 weeks
Weight? 138
Maternity clothes? no, just a ton of stretchy pants and sports bras
Stretch marks? no
Belly button in or out? in
Exercise? Extremely low energy over the last several weeks has impacted eliminated my normal sweat routine. I’m looking forward to getting back into a few regular yoga classes this week!
Symptoms? I’ll give you the laundry list now and I’ll add or (hopefully) take away as the weeks progress:
*So. Tired.  I’ve picked up more energy than past weeks but still need 9+ hours of sleep at night to get through the day
*My boobs feel like they were in a Tyson fight and my nipples feel like horseflies have bitten them…I'll let that sink in
*Nausea (without vomiting) is pretty steady throughout the day, especially before and after I eat…talk about a lose-lose situation
*I pee 27 times a day
*I have experienced extreme bloating to the point of looking 5 months pregnant by 6:00pm
*I’m extra sensitive to smells...everything just smells so much more offensive than normal: fish, fried food, cigarettes, fresh mulch, armpits, cleaning products, the garbage disposal…I could go on
*Lack of appetite: nothing sounds good except pineapple and Golden Grahams
Sleep? Comfortable as long as I’m wearing a sports bra and take a pee break right before I fall asleep and again sometime between 2-3 am
Movement? Nothing I can feel yet but baby’s heart rate was 147 at our last appointment so he/she is generating some energy in there!
Cravings? pineapple, strawberries, cereal, mac and cheese, crunchy Cheetos, Oreos and almond milk. I find that eating small snack-style meals is much better for sustaining energy and warding off nausea but I still have to make an effort to eat. I can’t wait for a voracious appetite to take over!
Aversions? fish, fried food, pad thai (a previous favorite). Food in general hasn’t been very appealing
Mood? much brighter than the first few weeks, I’m feeling much less emotional (I’ll elaborate on this in a future post)
Miss anything? I love summer beers so anytime I see a Summer Ale or Allagash White go by, I get a small pang of jealousy. Also, cold brewed iced coffee from Nordstrom (aka caffination domination)
Best moment this week? It was actually 2 weeks ago but it’s been the best moment so far…we got to see yertle turtle baby on an ultrasound! We were disappointed that the tech didn’t play the heartbeat audio but she measured it at 147 bpm
Looking forward to? Big City Moms' Biggest Baby Shower this week!! 

babyDub's first photo at 8 weeks…where he/she earned the Yertle Turtle nickname


  1. Glad to see you are remaining consistent with the "avid bedmaker" theme - 27 year old habits are hard to break. I knew you would eventually embrace the Yertle name - too cute not to :) Love you lots!!!

  2. This is great! I am looking forward to checking in on here frequently to get the latest updates����

  3. LOVE this, Annie!!! I'm going to be stalking your progress from afar (and near, when I can!) :) xoxo SO HAPPY FOR YOU
