Friday, September 5, 2014

22-24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks
Weight? 156
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I went ahead and purchased a nursing bra and tank to replace old bras and tanks that don’t fit anymore. Almost immediately after making the switch, I started having breastfeeding dreams. So strange.
Stretch marks? No
Belly button in or out? In
Exercise? Yoga, although standard poses are getting a little more difficult as belly gets in the way. I’m planning to switch to prenatal classes in my third trimester.
Symptoms? Heartburn, hunger, headaches, oh my! I’ve also noticed more upper back pain as my posture changes. I’ve been taking a lot of warm baths to relieve the discomfort. Oh, and my boobs are leaking, that’s a weird one.
Sleep? I wish I had gotten a body pillow that was more substantial. The $10 polyester-fill one from Target isn’t really cutting it as far as support. I still wake up every few hours to adjust and get comfortable again. I am surprised that I can still sleep on my stomach though!
Movement? So much!! She’s only quiet and still when I’m loud and moving (like at work).  If I have a lazy, relaxing day at home, she kicks like crazy the whole time. She’s kicking my laptop as I sit typing this. Sometimes kicks are right on the surface of my belly and you can see them from the outside. Other times, it feels like she is in my butt….seriously. I have a feeling she’ll sleep through anything except silence when she gets here which means we’ll have a lot of rocking and singing and bouncing to do to get her to sleep J 
Cravings? Peanut butter on a spoon as dessert (every day)
Aversions? Just general pickiness, nothing out of the ordinary
Mood? Pretty good. No epic meltdowns to speak of.
Miss anything? The taste of a super spicy, full bodied red wine or an amazingly bubbly glass of champagne. I’ve been known to tongue my friend’s glasses recently, just for a taste.
Best moment this week? Feeling lots of movement and learning her patterns over the last few weeks has been awesome. We had an in-depth ultrasound of her heart to rule out any congenital heart defects (everything looked good…yay!), so we had the opportunity to see her little face again! She’s growing well and gaining weight, already up to 1 lb 6 oz! Oh, I also got salted caramel ice cream from an amazing ice cream shop in downtown Annapolis TWICE in one week. In a homemade waffle cone. The. Bomb. 
Looking forward to? We’re taking a week off work at the end of September to get things more organized and ready for little miss baby bug’s arrival. We have a lot of rearranging and cleaning to do!! We will also be celebrating my twin nephews’ 4th birthdays and Brian’s 29th! And even more exciting, I'm looking forward to writing consistent blog posts! Currently, I'm setting a goal of twice a week. How does that sound?

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaay so happy to see you posting!!!!! Beyond excited for you! Can't wait to feel her kick next time I am home!!!
